English Phrase — "I Don't Mind"

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The word "mind" means to be distressed, annoyed, or worried by something. 

People will often ask you, "Do you mind?" before asking you to do a chore. For example, "Do you mind taking out the trash?" 

The answer to this question is "I don't mind" (I will take out the trash), or "Yes, I do mind" (I won't take out the trash).

Even though the phrase "Yes, I do mind" is grammatically correct, we don't usually say it because it's a rude way to respond to a request. A more polite way to respond is to say "Actually, I can't take out the trash right now because..."

Also, people will often use this phrase to find out if something they are doing is annoying, "Do you mind if I play music?" (Does this music bother you?)

If the music does not bother you, the correct response is, "No, I don't mind". If the music does bother you, it's polite to say "I'd prefer if you didn't play music", rather than "Yes, I mind".